Writing Morning

So this is it. Publishing as I type.
I haven't yet decided on a focus for this blog, and that seems to be what makes good blogs great. Should I write about my children? My personal life? People do. I'm so much better at fiction, that I wonder whether this blog will just shrivel and die before it has the chance to develop into anything. There is a distinct possibility that will happen. When I write, on these writing mornings, I'm honing very particular material into a very particular shape, and this feels oddly shapeless. Even the word "blog" sounds flabby and indistinct. Blah blah blog.
I'm defrosting my second freezer today. That's my adventure in local food for today. Starting my writing morning by packing the first (now defrosted and cleaned) freezer full to the brim with packets of beans and strawberries and rhubarb, so that I can unplug the second before I need to fill it with the rest of this summer's offerings. No tomatoes yet, and I like to put up a lot of tomatoes.

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