
My today involved two (2) recitals for Apple-Apple's day camp. It was hot, someone kept shushing the babies, and I tossed crackers non-stop at my offspring, but hey, it was worth it. Here is the link to Apple-Apple's first piano performance (be assured, it's short). And here is the afternoon group singing a canon that I found very moving (plus Fooey mugging for the camera; she thought I was taking a photograph and offered a variety of facial poses ... umm, what am I doing to my kids by photographing them so often? Which reminds me that this afternoon, while we were eating popsicles in poetical formation on the front porch, recovering from all the bleeping lovely recitals, Apple-Apple cried, "Get your camera! You need a picture of this, Mom!" and I said, "No. I need to sit down." And so I did. Because sometimes, sometimes, I don't need a picture. Which is long enough, methinks, for a parenthetical aside).
And, yes, that's a gratuitous photo of CJ completely unrelated to this post.

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