Back on the good old ground

giddy daughter
"are we going to be millionaires?"
happy family
These photos were taken on Tuesday, just after the kids arrived home from school.

I think a person can sustain a high of excitement for about 24 hours, tops. So, yes, I'm right here on the good old ground today, and it's a fine place to be. I sense that Tuesday's news has genuinely begun to sink in. That's almost a little bit sad. I never want it to feel commonplace; when I think about The Juliet Stories, I always want to feel as shocked and astonished and flooded with joy as I did on Tuesday morning.

But then again, those emotions are unsettling and burn a lot of energy. I've gotten up early the past two mornings to exercise, and my energy level is feeling on the wane. Wax and wane.

There are stickers. Did you know that? My publisher is going to send me some "GG Finalist" stickers that I can take around to bookshops and stick onto my book. I promise not to let my children stick them onto our sticker table, or their clothing, or their faces, even though that would make for a funny photo.

This morning, I did an interview with a local paper. We met at Words Worth Books in uptown Waterloo, which gave me the opportunity to buy the other four GG finalist's books. Don't they all look lovely?

The Headmaster's Wager by Vincent Lam, The Purchase by Linda Spalding, Siege 13 by Tamas Dobozy, and Dr. Brinkley's Tower by Robert Hough

But 'tis time to return to regularly scheduled activities. I have deadlines to meet, and this weekend I've also got a turkey to bake and family to host. (I'll be sure to host the family and bake the turkey, not the other way round.)

And now, a few links, if you're not saturated already.

* Please go on and listen to a few songs from Danny Michel's new album, Black Birds are Dancing Over Me, which is so very joyful. "Go on and let someone love you," has been the line running through my head these past few days.

CBC Hamilton's piece on me (I was born in Hamilton, Ontario, and I'm happy to be claimed by any place I've lived that would like to claim me!).

Me and the kids on local TV (Kevin walks into the background of the opening shot, too).

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