Mugging for the camera


I hope you recognized the tongue-in-cheek nature of yesterday's "I finished my book!" post. There is a never-really-done-ness to book-writing, and that's what I wanted to get at. So I'm done, yes, in that this book now has a lovely completed first draft with all parts in place. But I'm not done, no, in that the book is not even at the show-it-to-my-agent stage. If there's one thing book-writing does not equal it's instant gratification. It's a slow burn form of exertion. It's made for the marathoning spirit.

I've got big goals for this year.

Hugely ambitious goals. Probably far too ambitious. But I'm pleased with progress so far.


Goal for today: open Mama's Salon.

hair cut in progress

I've been trying to convince her to keep her hair long. So pretty in braids! Pony-tails! But no. She wanted it cut to just below her ears. I didn't quite go that short. We don't have adequate after-pictures yet because the hair is still wet from her post-cut shower. It's still long enough for a tiny, stubby pony-tail.


It was this fellow who really needed a hair cut.

also before

He wanted to be sure I recorded his true feelings on the subject: grumpy. But I don't think he minded all that much. The after photos were pure ham. I don't know what this kid is going to do with his talent for physical humour, but it's going to be good.

"Get my 'cool guy' pose, Mama!" (above)

(I also realize it's time to clean my camera's lens.)

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