The peace of dogs

paw in hand

First day of March break.

With the sounds of sibling irritability yowling in the background as I write this -- "Where's my hat? Who took my hat? WHERE'S MY HAT?" "Don't push me away so I can't go to the bathroom!" [crying] "Go away! Go away! Get out of the kitchen!" "It's not your kitchen!" "Yes it is!" "Where's my hat?" -- I'll pick out the good things.

Like the doggie-sister love, above.


P.S. I'm adding a post-publication, end-of-day extra list of good things this first day of March break has held. It's been a lovely, lovely day, despite the occasional howls and yowls.

* I slept in.
* I cleared away every last stack and pile of paper that has been accumulating on every flat surface for the past couple of months. I kid you not. Huge project, DONE!
* I vacuumed.
* Just when Kevin and I were wondering what we'd feed the kids for lunch, my mom arrived with offerings from the market, and so we had hot dogs on fresh buns; and then we ate market-fresh chicken drumsticks for supper, marinated in yogurt and Indian spices, along with Indian-spiced rice, and green salad. And a glass of wine.
* I ran 15.5 quick km in gorgeous afternoon sunshine, watching the snow melt, with my elder daughter beside me on her bicycle.
* I finished two books, and updated my ongoing 2013 reading list: see here.
* I felt like I was on holiday. So did everyone else. And tomorrow I get to play soccer!

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