This is the way we play


Saturday. Early rising. Long drive. Poolside. Laptop open.
"Are you writing your next novel right here?"
"Erm. Kind of. Well, yes, actually. I'm trying."


Saturday evening. Barely awake. Stroll uptown. The whole family.
Burger Badanga at the Chainsaw. (Fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity)
Free face/arm-painting.


Also, burgers, beer, pop with unlimited refills.
But really it's all about the football.
England v. Italy.
Not the hoped-for outcome.
"I always feel sad for whoever loses."
"Wow, Mom. Someone always loses."


Sunday. Early rising. Ritual stop at best early-morning coffee & breakfast joint in town, City Cafe, aka "the bagel place." Long drive. Poolside. Laptop.
The kid is fast and strong. The mother is plain worn out.


Stop for falafel and chicken shwarma. Eat under tree. Long drive home.
Followed by deep nap.
Followed by must get up and do days' worth of laundry, run errands, and think up Father's Day supper.


Meet "Vanna," above, our new front yard dwarf cherry tree. "Stella" is in the back yard. Two apple trees, as yet unnamed, await planting.
Neighbour we've never met stops to tell Kevin: "I've been walking by your front yard for the past ten years, and I just want to tell you how much I enjoy watching what you're doing here."
I think: Kevin's dad, enthusiastic gardener, would have been so proud.


I call my dad.


Supper: hot dogs, bacon, fixings, roasted asparagus, kale slaw ("You shouldn't call it that! Nobody's going to want to eat it!").
After supper: playing in the back yard. Kevin: Gardening and soccer-ball juggling. Albus: Trampoline and soccer. Fooey: Trampoline and soccer-ball juggling. CJ: Soccer, soccer, soccer. Me and AppleApple: catch, with tennis ball and baseball gloves.
The long late light. The best part of summer.
"Should we be responsible parents and tell everyone to go bed?"
"Do we have to?"

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